Higher Education in Ireland

We can find different types of institutions in Ireland. They are divided into Universities, Institutes of Technology and more specific colleges for other sectors. Here is some important information to help you understand the higher education system in Ireland.

Types of degrees

The two main Irish degrees are Bachelor or Bachelor Honours. The first one has a duration of 3 years. The Bachelor Honours has a duration of 4 years * and gives access to a Master’s Degree. Obtaining the latter will allow you to apply for a PhD (Philosophiae doctor). You can find other courses of different lengths such as the Higher Certificate which allows you to graduate after two years of higher education.

Each degree offers an important choice of courses (Commerce, Sciences, I.T., Engineering, Arts, Law, Social Sciences, Medicine, Nursing … etc).

The weekly hours usually vary from 14 to 15 hours. It may seem low at first glance; however, the required amount of work at home may be substancial.

The exams are organised in the same way in all higher education institutions. Students get a study week before each exam period. As its name suggests, it is a week with no class devoted to exams preparation. The exams are then spread over a period of two or three weeks. To pass your year, you must pass each of your modules in both semesters. Some institutions have implemented a – light – system of compensation between modules.

* some colleges offer the opportunity to get a Bachelor Honours in 3 years.

Grading system

Irish students are graded according to a percentage system (from 0 to 100%). The grades are distributed as follows:

Under 40%: Fail

40 to 44%: Pass

45 to 49%: Third Class Honours (3.1)

50 to 59%: Second Class Honours, Grade 2 (2.2)

60 to 69%: Second Class Honours, Grade 1 (2.1)

70 to 100%: First Class Honours (1.1)

Quality of education in Ireland

Ireland has an excellent higher education system. Several colleges are considered to be among the best in Europe. In addition, some teachers’ books and research are studied all over the world. Foreign students coming to study in Ireland appreciate the fact that they are following classes in English, which is the dominant language in most fields of activity. Foreign students also appreciate the friendly teacher / student relationship established in Ireland.

Irish higher education facilitates the access to a first job after the degree. Indeed, companies based in Ireland trust and give a great consideration to young graduates. Thus, many students find a job within the next few months after the end of their course. In addition, students from non-English speaking countries are particularly appreciated by multinationals because of their multicultural background.

The quality of higher education in Ireland can be explained by the willingness of the Irish government to focus on research and education in order to remain at a high level of competitiveness. Indeed, it has been several years since Ireland decided to invest in knowledge in order to keep one of the most skilled workforce in Europe and, therefore, continue to attract the largest multinationals in its territory.

You will find the complete list of institutions of higher learning using the following link: