[Updated on 16/03/2023]

10 reasons to study in Ireland

Thanks to the friendliness of its inhabitants and the quality of its education system, Ireland is one of the foreign students’ favourite countries. In this article, we will give you 10 reasons to study in Ireland.

1. The quality of higher education

Ireland has an excellent higher education system. Several colleges are considered to be among the best in Europe. In addition, some lecturers’ books and research are studied all over the world. Receiving a degree in Ireland makes getting a first job easier. Indeed, companies based in Ireland trust and give a great consideration to young graduates. Thus, many people find a job within the next few months of their graduation. Moreover, students from non-English speaking countries are highly appreciated by multinationals because of their bilingualism.

Biggest university of Ireland
Trinity College, Dublin

2. Students cities are very cosmopolitan

Every year, Ireland welcomes many students from Europe and the rest of the world. The student cities are thus very cosmopolitan. Studying in this country gives the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. In addition to academic learning, studying in Ireland is rewarding from a cultural point of view. This factor surely explains why Ireland is ranked first in Europe for the satisfaction of foreign students.

3. Students’ timetable

In Ireland, the timetables of students are much more flexible than in other countries. Indeed, students have about fifteen hours of class per week. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that the courses are lighter than anywhere else! The formats of the different modules as well as the amount of work to be done at home make students acquire as much knowledge as in other European countries. To learn more about higher education courses in Ireland, please see our article on this topic:

Studying in Ireland: a guide to understand the higher education system

4. The strong sense of conviviality within colleges

Irish lecturers are very friendly and very accessible to the students. The different administrations (secretary, student unions, international office…etc) are very friendly and do their best to meet the needs of students. This feeling of closeness and conviviality is very important when we know the difficulty that can be the adaptation to a new environment for foreign students.

5. The beauty of Irish landscapes

The West of the country and its famous Cliffs of Moher and Connemara are very popular. The beauty of this coast is not limited to these two tourist attractions: Ireland has also some of the most beautiful beaches in Europe. Apart from the seashore, the inland scenery do not lack any charm. Whatever your favourite activity is (strolling, biking, hiking…), you will find your happiness through the numerous plains and mountains of Ireland. For an overview of the different landscapes that can be found in Ireland, please visit our Instagram account by clicking on the following link: Instagram Profile

Cliffs in Ireland
Cliffs of Moher

6. Cost of living lower than in Uk and Ireland is part of the Euro Zone

With the exception of Dublin, where rents are currently reaching exorbitant prices, the cost of living in Ireland is more or less similar to countries like France, Belgium or Germany. Depending on the cities where you want to study, the price of a shared accommodation varies between €300 and €500 per month. The rest of the expenses (food, leisure, outings …) is equivalent to what we can find in Western Europe. Moreover – unlike its British neighbours – the currency used in Ireland is the Euro.

Update (March 2023): the cost of living in Ireland has increased in recent years and may be higher than some other European countries. While it is still generally less expensive than living in the UK, it may not be as affordable as some other Eurozone countries. Additionally, the cost of living can vary depending on the city and region of Ireland. It is always a good idea to research the specific costs associated with the city and university you plan to attend before making any decisions.

7. The famous Irish « craic »

If you go to Ireland to study, you may hear the word “craic” very often. The most accurate translation is without a doubt the fun, the good atmosphere. “For the craic” is a great excuse for any kind of hobbies, especially parties. This expression sums up perfectly the Irish people’s joie de vivre, conviviality and constant wish to have fun. During your studies in Ireland, you might expect to spend many evenings all equally unforgettable.

8. Caring about students in everyday life

Most of Ireland’s main cities and towns are populated by a large proportion of students. Pubs, nightclubs, cinemas or restaurants – amongst others – adapt their offers to students. It is therefore rare (almost impossible) not to find an activity that suits you, regardless of the day of the week.

9. RAG Week

We could not write this article without a paragraph about RAG Week (RAG = Raise And Give). Taking place in February in most student colleges, RAG Week offers activities throughout the week with the aim of raising funds for various charities. It is customary not to go to class this week. WARNING: this is not a week of holidays. Lecturers, however, are much more flexible about student attendance. During this week, the tradition is that students party days and nights from Sunday to Friday. To do at least once in a lifetime  😀

10. Learning English

To finish this article, we have to talk about learning English. Immersing yourself in an English culture both in class and in everyday life will greatly increase your English level. And – believe us – if you can fully understand all Irish accents, you will be able to communicate all around the world. Joking aside, the practice of English is nowadays, in almost all fields of activity, a mandatory professional skill.

To conclude :

The excellence of its education, the student life and the incredible landscapes have made Ireland the country to choose if you want to pursue your studies in an English-speaking environment. If you are planning a study trip abroad, do not hesitate and go study in Ireland  😉

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