Studying in Ireland: all you need to know

Free-Movers*, you are not on your own

* people who study abroad and are not part of an exchange program. A free-mover is a student who applies independently to the college of his choice

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

About Us

Our vocation is to help students in their efforts to study in the Republic of Ireland as free-movers. Free-movers are people studying abroad without going through exchange programs like – for example – Erasmus.

Our website is made of several sections. The Translation of Documents and Recognition of qualifications tabs show you how to get your documents translated and obtain an Irish recognition of your qualifications in order to apply to colleges in Ireland.

Our Tips & Tricks section provides essential information to succeed your integration in Ireland.

On our Blog, you can read articles to increase your knowledge of this beautiful country that is Ireland 😀

Discover Ireland

Ireland is a wonderful country that has a strong educational system as well as a rich cultural heritage.

Studying in Ireland is an excellent opportunity for those looking to expand their knowledge and broaden their horizons while experiencing life in a new country.

View of Athlone town centre

Our resources

Tips & Tricks

All you need to know to apply to an Irish University


Discover Ireland through our various articles

Social media

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